15-112 Fundamentals of Programming

Homework 4.3

For this homework, there is no starter file. You have to create your own .py file and submit it to Autolab. You can take a previous starter file and modify it appropriately.

  • Please add your name, Andrew id, and section at the top of the file.
  • This homework will be manually graded.
  • You will be graded on style. You can lose up to 10 poins for style (out of 100 points). Please see here for the style rubric.
  • You may not use recursion, or any other constructs that we have not yet covered in class.
  • You will have 2 submissions on Autolab for this homework.
  • Questions

    1. Complete the Fraction class you started writing on Friday's lab. The tester file posted on Piazza indicates the methods that you need to write. However, you should add more test cases to be sure your methods are working properly.

    2. Write Tetris following the step-by-step instructions here. You have to follow these instructions exactly (even if you think there might be a better way to implement a certain step.)

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