15-112 Fundamentals of Programming

Notes - Lecture 1.1


Installing and running Python

You need to install two things. First, you need to install Python 3. Second, you need to install an integrated development environment (IDE). The IDE allows you to easily write/edit your code and also run it. Follow the instructions here to install Python 3 and an IDE. For the IDE, we recommend starting with IEP (now called Pyzo) since it is easy to install and use. Later on in the semester, you may wish to switch to Sublime.

Some fundamental definitions

What is computation? Computation is manipulation of data/information. It can be thought of as a generalization of calculation, which is the manipulation of a specific kind of data, numbers.

What is a computer? A computer is a device (usually electronic) that does computation.

What is a computer program? A computer program is a precise set of instructions that tells the computer exactly how to carry out a task (i.e. manipulate data).

What is an algorithm? An algorithm is a precise set of instructions that a human could follow to carry out a task.

Basic building blocks of programming

In this section, we'll give a taste of what the basic building blocks of programming are and how they look like in the Python programming language. It is completely ok (and expected) that you don't understand some of the details. We will discuss these in much more depth as we progress in the course.


A statement is an instruction that tells the computer to do something. Example:

x = 5

This is called an assignment statement. It tells the computer to assign the value 5 to the variable named x. Another example is the print statement (changed to a function in Python 3):

print("Hello world!") 

This tells the computer to print on the console the text "Hello world!". You can give print() more than one input.

print("Hi", "hello")  # prints Hi hello
print("Hi", 1, 2, 3)  # prints Hi 1 2 3 

Note that anything after a # symbol is ignored by the computer, and is called a comment. We use comments to explain what the code does.


The most basic thing one can do with data is store it. Variables allow you to store data and access data that has already been stored. For example:

x = 5
y = 3
print(x)  # prints 5
print(y)  # prints 3

Here, we are first storing the value 5 (somewhere in memory). You should think of the variable x as a reference to that piece of data in memory. In the second line, we are storing the value 3 in memory, and making the variable y a reference to that value. In the third line, the variable name is used to access the data that it refers to. So this line prints on the screen 5. Similarly, the fourth line prints on the screen 3.

Data types

Computation is all about manipulation of data. In programming, data is often divided according to their type. For example, an integer and a piece of text are two different types of data. Here are a few very commonly used types:

Python name Description Values
int (integer) integer values e.g. -100, 0, 123456789
float fractional values e.g. 3.14
str (string) text e.g. "Hello world", "3.14"
bool (boolean) Boolean values True, False
NoneType absence of value None


Operators allow us to manipulate data in order to produce new data. As a simple example, consider:

print(3 + 5)  # prints 8
print(3 * 5)  # prints 15
print(1 + 1 * 2)  # prints 3 (* takes precedence over +)
print((1 + 1) * 2)  # prints 4 (parentheses evaluated first)

Above, + and * are the operators, and they work as you would expect them to work. Data types matter because what an operator does depends on the types of data it is acting on.

print("Hello" + "World")  # prints HelloWorld
print("1 + 2")  # prints 1 + 2 (does not print 3)
print(1.5 + 1.5)  # prints 3.0 (does not print 3)
print("Hi" * 2)  # prints HiHi
print(1 + "Hi")  # crashes: cannot add an integer and a string

Here are some other examples of operators:

print(2**3)  # prints 8 (same as 2 to the power 3)
print(8 % 3)  # prints 2 (same as 8 mod 3, the remainder when 8 is divided by 3)
print(8 / 3)  # prints 2.6666666666666665
print(8 // 3)  # prints 2 (this is called integer division (or floor division))

Operators work with variables as well:

x = 5 + 2
x = x + 1
print(x)  # prints 8
print(x * 2)  # prints 16

A valid combination of data, variable names and operators is called an expression. In an assignment statement, the right-hand-side of the equality is an expression. In a print statement/function, the portion inside the parantheses is an expression. To carry out these statements, the computer first evaluates the expression to a value.

Here are some examples of operators that produce boolean values.

x = 10
print(x > 11)  # prints False
print((x > 0) and (x <= 10))  # prints True


Functions are the main way we structure our programs. Each function takes a number of inputs, and produces (returns) a desired output. In order to use (call) a function, we first have to define it. See the examples below to get a sense of how they work.

# The following is a function definition.
# Note that the body of the function must be indented.
def f(x):
    y = x**2 + 2*x + 1
    return y

# The function definition is not used until you call the function.
print(f(5))  # prints 36

# A function can have more than one input
def g(x, y):  # terminology: x and y are called the parameters of the function.
    return x**2 + y**2  # We don't have to store the value in a variable first.

print(g(2,3))  # prints 13
# terminology: g(2,3) is the function call. 
# 2 and 3 are the arguments to the function.

def degreesInCelsius(fahrenheit):
    celsius = (fahrenheit-32)*(5/9)
    return celsius

def degreesInFahrenheit(celsius):
    fahrenheit = celsius*(9/5) + 32
    return fahrenheit

print(degreesInFahrenheit(30))  # prints 86.0
print(degreesInCelsius(80))  # prints 26.666666666666668

If a function does not explicitly return a value, then it automatically returns the built-in value None.

def greetUser(name):
    print("Hello", name)

greetUser("David")  # prints Hello David
print(greetUser("David"))  # prints Hello David
                           #        None

# The above function is the same as the following one.
def greetUser(name):
    print("Hello", name)
    return None

There are various built-in functions that you can directly use. Here are a few examples.

print(round(0.55))  # prints 1
print(round(-3.14))  # prints -3
print(max(2,3))  # prints 3
print(min(2,3))  # prints 2
print(pow(2,3))  # prints 8 (same as 2**3)

Conditional statements

Conditional statements allow us to execute a sequence of instructions only when a certain condition is satisfied. Example:

def absoluteValue(n):
    if (n < 0):
        n = -n
    return n

print(absoluteValue(-5))  # prints 5
print(absoluteValue(3))  # prints 3

In the if statement, the portion inside the parentheses is an expression that is supposed to evaluate to True or False. If it evaluates to True, the body of the if statement (line 3 in the example above) is executed. If the it evalutes to False, the body of the if statement is skipped. (In general, the body can have multiple lines.) We will explore conditional statements in much more depth in the next lecture.


Loops allow us to execute a sequence of instructions multiple times. There are two kinds of loops: for loops and while loops.

# The following prints Hello! 10 times
for i in range(10):

# Here is the same thing using a while loop
i = 0
while (i < 10):
    i = i+1

We will explore loops in much more depth in a few lectures.

Types of programming errors

Programming errors are called bugs. The process of removing bugs is called debugging. There are 3 types of programming errors, as described below.

Syntax errors (compile-time errors)

You have to follow the syntax rules of the language very closely. If you, for example, misspell a word or don't indent things properly, you'll get a syntax error. In this case, the program won't even run.

# Python language is case-sensitive
Print("Hello")  # Error: name Print is not defined

for i in range(10):
print(i)  # Error: expected an indented block

Run-time errors

A run-time error is an error that happens as your code is being executed. When this kind of error happens, the program crashes, meaning the program is terminated at that point.

x = 10
x = x // 15  # x is now equal to 0
print(1/x)  # Crash: cannot divide by 0
print("This line won't get printed.")

Logical errors

A logical error happens when your program runs without any syntax or run-time errors, but gives you the wrong answer at the end. This means that the logic behind your code is not correct and needs to be fixed. For example, using a wrong formula to compute a value would be a logical error.

def degreesInCelsius(fahrenheit):
    celsius = fahrenheit*(5/9) - 32  # Wrong formula
    return celsius

print(degreesInCelsius(80))  # Prints a wrong answer

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